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Saturday, 9 January 2016

Sharing Resources with CMD Prompt...

Step1:- Suppose we have a folder/Directory name King in E: drive & we want to share that with command prompt.

Step2:- In above picture there is directory name king in e: drive.. & we want to share the same 


but by issuing this command only Read permission will be granted to the users like in the following example.

Suppose we want to grant Change permission for that folder then modify the above command. so that users can modify the data after accessing that folder.

net share king=e:\king /GRANT:everyone, Change

If you want to unshare the shared folder run the following command

net share sharename /del

net share king /del

ok you are done with sharing your data.

Accessing Shared Resources With CMD Prompt...

Suppose your network have a computer with ip add and having shared folder namedmyname & you want to access that folder on your machine, first check network connectivity with ping command

 if connectivity is fine between these two pc then run the following command in your command prompt


Now you are done with accessing the shared resource

Mapping Network Drive With CMD Prompt...

First of all I want to explain about Mapping, suppose there is a shared resource on your network and you need to access that resource frequently then each time you access that data you have to type the network address(IP Address) of that machine.
If you want to make shortcut of that data on your local machine then type the following command

 net use z: \\\sharedfolder

in my scenarios its

net use z: \\\myname

in the above example the shared data name myname and we want to make shortcuts of that data in my machine as my local drives having the drive letter of Z Drive like the following image.

now we are successful in creating a mapped network drive having letter Z

Hardware & Networking Interview Questions

Q1:- What is Hardware Requirements of Windows XP?

Q2:- What is Hardware Compatibility?

Q3:- What are the booting files of Windows 7?

Q4:- What are the various types of partitions can be created on a basic disk?

Q5:- What is formatting?

Q6:- What is Safe Mode?

Q7:- What is Booting?

Q8:- What is the difference between NTFS & FAT?

Q9:- What is File System?

Q10:- What are the advantages of Laptop over Desktop?

Q11:- What are the various symptoms of virus infection?

Q12:- Explain about any three remote management softwares?

Q13:- What is Hot Swapping?

Q14:- What is Remote Management?

Q15:- What is IRQ?

Q16:- How to check the number of hard disk drives installed in a system?

Q17:- What is the use of Guest Account?

Q18:- How to check display driver in a system?

Q19:- Which command is used to check the connectivity between two machines?

Q20:- What is the full form of FAT?

Q21:- How many pins do serial ports have?

Q22:- What is IP Address?

Q23:- What is the difference between public & private ip address?

Q24:- What are the layers of osi model?

Q25:- What is LAN?
Ans:- LAN is short for Local Area Network it refers to the connection between computers and other  networking devices that are located within a small area.

Q26:- What protocols fall under the TCP/IP Internet Layer?

Q27:- What is the one biggest advantage of mesh topology?

Q28:- What is SMTP?

Q29:- What is the biggest disadvantage of Ring Topology?

Q30:- Describe Ethernet?

Q31:- What is the difference between straight through and cross over cable?

Q32:- What is the difference between baseband & broadband transmission?

Q33:- What is Bandwidth?

Q34:- What is Subnet?

Q35:- What is Subnetting?

Q36:- What is MAC Address?
Ans:- It is the 48-bit hardware address of LAN Card. MAC Address is usually stored on a ROM chip of Network Interface Card(NIC) and it is unique.

Q37:- What is a Node?
Ans:-  A node refers to a point or joint where a connection takes place. It can be a computer or device that is part of a network. Two or more nodes are needed to form a network.

Q38:- What is Hardware?
Ans:- All the physical components of a computer system are called hardware like Keyboard, Monitor, Motherboard, Disk Drives etc.

Q39:- What is Software?
Ans:- Software is a program or machine-readable instructions that directs a Computer's Processor to perform specific operations.

Q40:- What is Network?
Ans:- The interconnection of two or more computer or devices through a media is called network. It can be PAN, LAN, CAN, MAN, WAN & SAN.

Q41:- What is Networking?
Ans:- The process of creating network is called networking. It requires designing, implementing and securing the network.

Q42:- What is NIC?
Ans:- NIC stands for Network Interface Card, it is a hardware device which acts as an interface between Computer & Network.

Q43:- What is WAN?
Ans:- WAN stands for Wide Area Network, It is an interconnection of computers and networking devices that geographically dispersed. It connects networks that are located in different regions & countries.

Q44:- What is IP Address?
Ans:- IP stands for Internet Protocol and it is a 32-bit decimal address assigned to each devices which is connected to computer network.

Q45:- What is BIOS?
Ans:- BIOS stands for Basic Input Output System which works as an interface between Operating system and Hardware. It resides on ROM Chip of motherboard.

Q46:- What is WWW?
Ans:- WWW stands for World Wide Web and it is system of interlinked hypertext documents that are accessed via the Internet. With a web browser one can view web pages that can contain text, images, videos and other multimedia contents via hyperlink.

Q47:- How many pins are there in IDE/EIDE Connector?
Ans:- 40 Pins.

Q48:- What is Protocol?
Ans:- Protocol is a set of rules that govern data communication. It represents an agreement between the communicating devices without protocol two devices may be connected but not communicating like a person speaking French can not be understood by a Chinese.

Q49:- What is Gateway?
Ans:- A Gateway is a network point that act as an entrance point for another network. On a home network a broadband router serves as network gateway although a ordinary computer can also be used as a gateway. In enterprises a gateway node often acts as proxy server or firewall.

Q50:- What is Default Gateway?
Ans:- A Default Gateway is the device that passes traffic from the local subnet to the device on other subnet, it connects local network to the Internet.
Internet default gateways are typically of two types:-

  • On a home or small business network with a broadband router to share the internet connection, the Broadband router serves as a default gateway.
  • On a home or small business network without a broadband router such as residences with a dial-up internet access, a router at the ISP end serves as a default gateway.
Q51:- What is DNS?
Ans:- DNS stands for Domain Name System that maintains a database of Domain names and its IP Address. It is necessary because domain names are easy for people to remember but machines communicate on internet through IP Address.

Q52:- What is DHCP?
Ans:- Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is a network protocol that enables a server to automatically assign IP address to clients.

Q53:- What is the difference between Northbridge & Southbridge?
Ans:- Northbridge is the portion of chipset that connects the faster I/O buses to the processor like RAM, Graphics and PCI Express. but Southbridge is the chipset that connects the slower I/O buses to the system bus like USB, Audio, LAN, Super I/O etc.
Northbridge is called Graphics Memory Controller Hub(GMCH) while southbridge is called Input/output Controller Hub(ICH)

Q54:- What is the difference between SIMM & DIMM?
Ans:- SIMM stands for Single In line Memory Module the gold or tin pins on the lower end of front and back edge of memory module are connected providing a single line of connection between Memory Module and System. And DIMM stands for Dual In line Memory Module and the pins on this module are not connected, providing two lines of communication path between module and system.
SIMM provide 32-bit channel while DIMM provide 64-bit channel.

Q55:- Explain RAID-5?
Ans:- RAID-5 provides redundancy by writing data and parity information across three or more hard disk drives thus increasing performance and it is the most popular RAID implementation. 

work in progress    we will back soon with some more Q&A...keep visiting..

How To Corrupt Windows Machine Within a Minute....

You can corrupt windows operating system by deleting bootmgr file, but there is two problems which prevent you by doing so.

Problem 1:- The system partitions which contains bootmgr file is not listed in your windows explorer.

Problem 2:- This file can not be deleted by normal user until you modified its ownership.

So here I m going to explain steps how to solve these problems...

Solution 1:- select computer icon & right click on it and select manage.

It will open Disk Management Utility,  & there you will see the partitions but one partition does not have any drive letter like this...
Right click on that partition & select change drive letters...
click on Add then click on ok.

Now that partition is assigned letter and open this drive but all files are hidden, so follow these steps to unhide these files in below snap you will see there are no contents..

Now go to Organize & select Folder and search options.

In folder options windows go to View Tab and select show hidden files, folders and drives radio button and uncheck all three check box below this..
after clicking on ok button your files would be in normal (unhide) condition like this..

Solution 2:- Now select Bootmgr file and click on delete, but there will be error message showing that you cant delete this file...

Now right click on bootmgr file and select properties, go to security tab and click on advanced

Go to Owner tab and click on Edit...

In next window select Other users & groups...

In users and groups search box type Everyone...

After clicking on Ok button you will be directed to permissions dialog box and there select Edit...

Now click on Add button...

Type Everyone...

& select Everyone from group or users names and assign Full control permissions like below image...and select ok

Now go back to your drive & delete bootmgr file and restart the machine.

Legal Notice:- These steps are for educational purpose only.